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Freedom of Information

The ACT (FOI Act) provides every person the right to access Government information.

Government information includes:

(a) information held by an agency or Minister; but
(b) does not include information -

  1. relating to a Minister's personal or political activities; or
  2. created or received by a Minister in the Minister's capacity as a member of the Legislative Assembly

held - information is held by an agency or Minister if it is -
(a) contained in a record held by the agency or Minister; or
(b) contained in a record that the agency or Minister is entitled to access.

Access to documents

Under the FOI Act, Canberra Institute of Technology (91视频) must make available a range of documents through the ACT Government's Open Access information site including:

  • functional information;
  • information about the work of the agency tabled in the Legislative Assembly;
  • the Directorate's policy documents;
  • budget papers; and
  • information on grants made or administered by the agency.

Members of the public, including students, who wish to obtain information are encouraged to seek access in the first instance by contacting 91视频 directly rather than seeking formal access under the FOI Act.

91视频 Freedom of Information Coordinator can be contacted on (02) 6207 0751.

Access to documents under the FOI Act can also be requested in person at 91视频 Reid, First Floor E Block, Reception, Office of the Chief Executive, between 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday or by email at 91视频OfficeoftheChiefExecutive@cit.edu.au

Written requests for documents under the FOI Act should be completed on the form below and directed to:

FOI Coordinator
Office of the Chief Executive
Canberra Institute of Technology
GPO Box 826

Functions of 91视频

91视频 is a Territory Authority established under the . The functions of 91视频 are prescribed in section 6 the Act.

91视频 Executive and Functional Structure is available here (PDF 1.4Mb).

91视频 Governance Framework is available here (PDF 381Kb).

Freedom of Information online

As part of the ACT Government's commitment to Open Government, all written documents released under the FOI Act will be available for online access by the public. Exceptions to this are documents that are exempt for privacy, commercial confidentiality or copyright reasons.

Disclosure Log

Under the Freedom of Information Act 2016 91视频 is required to have a disclosure log listing all access applications received. Details of requests for personal information are not required to be reported under the act and therefore are not included in the disclosure log.

The application, decision and any released documents can be viewed by clicking on the Disclosure Log.

Right of Review

Ombudsman Review

The decision on an access application is a reviewable decision as identified in Schedule 3 of the Act. An applicant has the right to seek review by the Ombudsman under section 73 of the Act within 20 working days from the day the decision is published on the disclosure log, or a longer period determined by the Ombudsman.

For more information visit .

Applicants wishing to request a review of the decision on access may write to the Ombudsman at:

The ACT Ombudsman
GPO Box 442
Canberra ACT 2601

Or via email: actfoi@ombudsman.gov.au

ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal (ACAT) Review

Under section 84 of the Act, if a decision is made on an Ombudsman review the applicant may apply to ACAT for a review of the Ombudsman decision. Further information is available from .

Transitional Arrangements

Where an FOI application has been made before 1 January 2018 but not completed by 1 January 2018, the old Freedom of Information Act 1989 will apply to the processing of that request.