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Safety updates

We are committed to the safety and security of our students and staff. This page provides safety updates relevant to 91视频 as well as information about unanticipated 91视频 closures.

91视频's social media channel will also provide updates on any changes to our opening hours and operations.

For 91视频 students

Please keep your contact details, email address and mobile phone number up to date in 91视频 Self Service so that you can receive notifications and updates.

For 91视频 staff

Please keep your contact details, email address and mobile phone number up to date in 91视频 Self Service and/or HR21 so that you can receive notifications and updates.

Current notices

All 91视频 locations are currently open during standard hours. Please see a list of our locations and opening hours.

Information on Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Students and staff are encouraged to get the latest public information from the the (AHPPC) or on the website.

For more information on identifying symptoms, what to do if you become unwell and how to prevent the spread of the virus download the Information Sheet for Students in University or 91视频 (PDF 202Kb)

Coronavirus information for 91视频 students and staff

announced it is extending mental health services to international students affected by the novel coronavirus.

A dedicated email international.students@dese.gov.au and hotline - 1300 981 621 (8:00am to 8:00pm AEDST Monday to Friday) – has also been established to assist international students with questions or concerns relating to their study and novel coronavirus.

The 91视频 Student Support team can provide you with guidance, referrals and support to cope with different aspects of student life. For information or to make an appointment, contact 91视频 Student Support on  (02) 6207 3290 or email 91视频.Student.Support@cit.edu.au

For general enquiries about your study please contact 91视频 Student Services on (02) 6207 3188 or email infoline@cit.edu.au.

91视频 students can access support through (13 11 14), (1300 224 636), (1800 650 890) and (1800 55 1800), for those under 25 years of age.

91视频 resources

Personal security tips, emergency contacts and Work Health and Safety (WHS) guidelines and information is available:

External resources

  • 000 (triple zero) is the emergency number within Australia for immediate assistance from the police, ambulance service or fire brigade. To call this number from within 91视频 you need to dial 0 then 000.
  • : Provides emergency management services to the Canberra community, including information on what you need to do in an emergency and support services available.
  • : Manages fire emergencies across the ACT
  • : Provides health services and information on public health issues in the ACT