91视频 Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy Team
Back Row: Jade Incandela, Leanne Antoniak, Cathy Doumos, Emma Gorrell
Middle Row: Victoria Edwards, Suzie Walden, Rebecca Lyons, Teresa Lopilato, Kathy Vlahos, Connie Fortis
Front Row: Penny Tsekenis, Kristyn Barbaro, Isabel Burt, Angela Ryan
The people who work at 91视频 Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy share the vision and values of our community.
We are driven by the idea that the best work is born from our Canberra based experts giving students an exciting and creative learning experience to practice their craftsmanship and have fun. Our industry currency, relationships with national VET trainers, companies and national bodies give 91视频 Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy the leading edge in Canberra’s training environment.