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Additional Teaching Hours for Existing Teaching Staff Policy

1. Purpose

To identify the circumstances and mechanisms by which teaching staff are able to undertake additional teaching hours.

2. Scope

This policy applies to all permanent and temporary 91视频 teaching staff.

3. Principles

3.1 Permanent and Temporary teaching staff will not be employed in a concurrent casual teaching capacity to perform additional duties unless they are employed:

  1. In a teaching position that carries an Educational Development Support (EDS) designation; or
  2. At the Manager Education Level 2 (MEL2) classification.

3.2 Where an EDS or MEL2 requests additional employment in a casual teaching capacity, they must complete an Application for Approval for Work Outside the Service. In circumstances where the appropriate delegate approves such an application, then a pre-employment pack (new starter paperwork) will need to be completed.

3.3 Where a full time teacher (other than EDS or MEL2) receives approval to work additional teaching hours (either within or outside of their home department) then the home department will add these teaching hours to that teacher's existing annual teaching load. Where applicable, overtime will be paid in accordance with the Enterprise Agreement.

3.4 Where a part time teacher (other than EDS or MEL2) receives approval to work additional hours (either within or outside of their home department) then the home department will:

  1. Add these teaching hours to that teacher's existing annual teaching load. Where applicable, overtime will be paid in accordance with the Enterprise Agreement; or
  2. Increase the working contribution hours of employment for the part time teacher to include the additional hours. For example, a part time teacher with a working contribution of 22.05hpw is approved to work an additional 4 hours of teaching in another department. Their working contribution hours in the home department would be increased to 29.4hpw.

3.5 Where additional hours are performed outside of the teacher's home department then the home department is entitled to recover (from the other department) any and all costs  associated with those additional hours.

4. Documentation

ACT Public Sector Canberra Institute of Technology (Teaching Staff) Enterprise Agreement 2019-2021. (RE. Overtime Provisions)

Guidelines for Approval to Engage in Outside Employment (Second Job)

5. Definitions

Educational Development Support (EDS) position - means a position at a Teacher Level 1 or 2, or Manager Education Level 1 classification that has been designated as an Educational Development Support position in line with clause 42 of the Enterprise Agreement.

Home department - the department in which the teacher’s nominal position resides.

All terminology used in this policy is consistent with definitions in the 91视频 Definitions of Terms.

6. Policy Contact Officer

Manager, Safety and Employment Relations.

Contact 91视频 Student Services on (02) 6207 3188 or email infoline@cit.edu.au for further information.