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Admission and Enrolment Policy

1. Purpose

This policy establishes Canberra Institute of Technology (91视频) practices to ensure:

  • prospective students are informed of services and obligations prior to enrolment
  • criteria for admission are applied consistently
  • enrolment processes are responsive to prospective students' needs.

The policy is impacted by legislative, regulatory and internal business process considerations.

This policy is to be read in conjunction with Admission and Enrolment Procedure.

2. Scope

Where this policy refers to 91视频, it includes 91视频 Solutions.

This policy applies to

  • all prospective and current 91视频 students over the age of 17 years old seeking to be admitted into and enrol in 91视频 courses of study, including transfer enrolment between courses or subjects
  • all staff involved in admission, enrolment and fee-paying processes.

This policy does not apply to applications, admissions and enrolments:

  • by persons on diplomatic visas
  • by international persons studying in Australia on student visas or existing international students wishing to transfer enrolment; these persons must seek admission and enrolment through 91视频 International. A list of eligible visas is maintained by the Department of Home Affairs Immigration and citizenship at https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/already-have-a-visa/check-visa-details-and-conditions/overview.

Refer: 91视频 International Students Administration and Fees Policy & Procedure

Refer: Applications for Admission of Young People Under 17 Policy and Procedure

3. Principles

91视频 must ensure prospective and current students applying for admission and enrolment are provided with accurate and comprehensive information to allow informed decisions prior to admission and enrolment.

91视频 may not enrol a prospective or current student in a particular course where the person:

  • behaves inappropriately when engaging with 91视频 (Refer: 91视频 Student Code of Conduct)
  • has previously been expelled from 91视频 (Note: A person previously expelled may appeal the decision to refuse enrolment. If the appeal is successful enrolment will proceed. (Refer Student and Community Members Complaint Policy))
  • has a record of persistent non-attendance or non-progression during previous enrolments with 91视频
  • the person is an Australian Apprentice and does not have an active Training Contract
  • cannot meet the course requirements
  • cannot demonstrate they can complete a superseded course before the expiry date. Refer Course Transition Policy and Amendment to Scope of Registration Policy

91视频 may cancel any outstanding application at any time for technical, operational or compliance reasons.

91视频 may restrict the application and enrolment methods available to some student cohorts where a risk presents to the applicant applying for admission to 91视频.

3.1 Information to prospective students

91视频 must ensure information provided to prospective students is accurate, consistent, and compliant.

The 91视频 website is the primary source of information to prospective and current students.

Applications for admission to 91视频 can be made online or on campus, except for an Australian Apprentices, who are admitted if 91视频 accepts their approved Australian Apprenticeship Training Contract.

Refer: Advertising, Marketing and Course Information Policy.

3.2 Admission into course/subject

Applications for admission at 91视频 can be made by:

  • Australian or New Zealand citizens, permanent Australian residents, or holders of an Australian permanent resident humanitarian visa (domestic prospective students)
  • non-domestic prospective students on an eligible visa or an eligible temporary visa holder, including those on a visa bridging towards a permanent visa can enrol as an eligible non-domestic student.
  • asylum seekers on temporary visas. Refer: Application and Enrolment Procedure.

ACT Government-subsidised places are subject to availability and are only available under the current terms and conditions required by the ACT Government.

Australian Apprenticeships must meet the eligibility set by the relevant State Training Authority.

Skilled Capital students must meet the eligibility requirements to secure a subsidised place

General admission enrolments, including access to government-subsidised places, are not available for international or offshore students.

Admission into a 91视频 course of study may be dependent on meeting specific course entry requirements including language, literacy and numeracy levels.

91视频 recognises that some potential students may not, in some instances, have the requisite capacity to understand their student obligations to undertake training at 91视频. It is the role of front-line staff using their experience and knowledge of course requirements against the student’s behaviour and attributes to determine if the potential student should be referred to a 91视频 careers advisor for further evaluation. In some instances, it may be suitable for a parent or guardian to be requested to attend the evaluation with the 91视频 careers advisor.

Students under 17 years of age cannot apply online for a course. Refer: Applications for admission by young people under 17 policy.

Applicants for admission may appeal a decision not to grant admission. Refer: Student and Community Members Complaints Policy.

3.3 Converting applications for admission to enrolment

91视频 will only convert an accepted application to an enrolment when:

  • acceptable identification is provided to verify domestic student status before the earlier of either:
    • the due date of their fees
    • the date of their first class
  • in the case of prospective students under the age of 17 years, ACT Education Directorate processes have been completed (refer: Applications for admission by children under 17 policy)
  • all relevant eligibility requirements detailed on the 91视频 website are met
  • all required relevant documentation is provided within the timeframes required
  • any required language, literacy, numeracy (LLN) and digital capability assessment has occurred and outcomes considered
  • an estimation of fees has been provided to the prospective student.

Applicants can request a review regarding issues associated with the admission and enrolment process.

3.4 Unique Student Identifier (USI) number

Prospective students must show evidence of a Unique Student Identifier (USI) number as required by the Australian Government, unless the person:

  • is an offshore international student studying outside of Australia
  • has a genuine personal objection to being assigned a student identifier, such as in instances where it would conflict with defence or national security legislation and/or jeopardise the security or safety of defence, border protection, customs, national security or police personnel and has gained approval for an exemption; or
  • is in a 91视频 course which is exempt from requiring the student to have a USI.

3.5 Application processes for specific student types

91视频 may offer a streamlined process to assist with enrolment where:

  • the prospective student is an apprentice whose details are supplied by the ACT Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate or NSW Training Services (Refer: 91视频 Apprenticeships and Traineeships Notification of Business (NOB) procedure)
  • the prospective student is sponsored by their school or college (and meets all course entry requirements). In such cases 91视频 may accept the school or college's verification of the prospective student's identity and residency status when the enrolment is completed at the school or college
  • the prospective student is sponsored by their employer (and meets all course entry requirements).

Enrolment for Australian Apprentices requires completion of:

  • a training contract
  • the LLN and digital capability assessment
  • a training plan.

3.6 Restrictive Holds

91视频 may place a 'restrictive hold' on an existing student’s record which will limit the student’s ability to enrol again, continue to study or graduate. A restrictive hold may be placed on an existing student’s enrolment if:

  • proof of identity has not been provided
  • fees are overdue
  • borrowed resources, including library books are overdue and have not been returned to 91视频
  • the student has not contacted a 91视频 staff member where requested or required before continuing study
  • the restrictive hold is otherwise reasonably required to ensure regulatory or legislative compliance
  • the student does not sign a Student Behaviour Agreement if required to do so by 91视频
  • the student engages in conduct which may jeopardise the welfare of themselves, other students or staff.

3.7 Enrolment Changes

An enrolled student can only change their enrolment by requesting the change in writing or online, as specified by 91视频. changes to enrolments cannot be guaranteed.

Upon completion of the course/subject enrolment transfer, any student fees paid against the original enrolment will also be transferred, if fee requirements are met (including the payment of any fee difference).

3.8 Enrolment Transfer

Requests by existing students to transfer enrolment between courses/subjects will be considered on a case-by-case basis and a request must meet the following conditions:

  • the application to transfer is made within two weeks of the commencement of classes
  • a place is available in the course/subject into which the student wishes to transfer and the student meets the entry requirements
  • there are no fees in arrears and obligations under payment plans are up to date.

Upon completion of the course/subject enrolment transfer, any student fees paid against the original enrolment will also be transferred, if fee requirements are met (including the payment of any fee difference).

Australian Apprentices can only transfer enrolment on approval of a change to the Training Contract by the relevant State Training Authority.

3.9 Re-enrolment

Students can re-enrol into a unit/subject where they have not successfully passed the unit/subject the first time.

Where a student does not successfully pass the subject after two attempts, they will be required to complete a Third Time Enrolment form to explain why they believe they will be successful on a third occasion.

A student wishing to re-enrol into a subject they have previously successfully completed will be blocked from online enrolment. The student will need to obtain approval of the relevant College Director and explain why they wish to undertake the study again and:

  • demonstrate how they are more likely to successfully complete this time around
  • acknowledge they are aware of, the associated fees
  • agree to pay the associated fees

Where places are limited, students who have not already successfully completed a subject will have priority over those who have already completed.

Students can re-enrol into any subject needed to meet licensing requirements.

3.10 Responsibilities

3.10.1 Educators

Educators are responsible for facilitating admissions and enrolments in a timely manner and where applicable:

  • assessing applicants' eligibility for enrolment
  • administering LLN and digital capability assessment and interpreting outcomes
  • referring students to alternative learning pathways.

3.10.2 College Support Staff

College Support Staff are responsible for:

  • accepting admissions
  • recording admissions information on the Customer Relations Management (CRM) system
  • advising prospective students of the outcome of the admissions process

3.10.3 Student Services Staff, 91视频 Apprenticeships and Traineeships Team and College Support Staff

Student Services staff, 91视频 Apprenticeships and Traineeships team and College Support Staff areas jointly are responsible for:

  • processing applications for admission to a course/subject
  • administering LLN assessments
  • recording admissions information on the CRM
  • advising prospective students of the outcome of the admissions process
  • offering places based on advice from teaching departments
  • checking enrolment documentation
  • accurately entering data and documents into the Student Management System (SMS) in a timely manner
  • sighting documentary evidence to determine compliance with eligibility criteria
  • liaising with prospective students
  • calculating fees and fee payment options.

4. Documentation

4.1 Related Legislation/Regulation

  • 91视频 Act 1987
  • ACT Standards Compliance Guide for Australian Apprentices
  • NSW Smart and Skilled Operating Guidelines
  • Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015

4.2 Related Policy and Procedures

4.3 Related Documents

  • 91视频 Enrolment system

5. Definitions

All terminology used in this policy is consistent with definitions in the 91视频 Definitions of Terms. The following definitions are provided in the context of this policy.


Admission means acceptance into a 91视频 course of study.


Enrolment means acceptance into specific 91视频 subjects and payment completed.

6. Policy Contact Officer

Executive Director, Education Futures and Students.

Contact 91视频 Student Services on (02) 6207 3188 or email infoline@cit.edu.au for further information.

7. Procedures

This policy is implemented through the associated procedures. Authority to make changes to the procedures rests with the policy owner.