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Higher Education - Professional Equivalency Policy

1. Purpose

To determine the equivalence of professional experience required of staff who are teaching in Canberra Institute of Technology higher education programs.

2. Scope

Staff who are teaching in Canberra Institute of Technology higher education programs.

3. Principles

3.1 91视频 will comply with the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021, clause 3.2.3.c, which requires that staff with responsibility for academic oversight and those in a teaching or supervisory role in higher education must have:

  • "a qualification in a relevant discipline at least one level higher than is awarded for the course of study or equivalent relevant academic or professional or practice-based experience and expertise…"

3.2 All teachers delivering 91视频 higher education programs, including those employed by third parties delivering on behalf of 91视频, must provide evidence of

  • Attainment of a qualification at a minimum of one AQF level higher in the relevant discipline OR
  • Equivalent relevant academic, professional or practice-based experience and expertise.

3.3 Certified evidence of attainment of the qualification or professional equivalency must be retained in a secure and confidential form (TRIM is preferred), confirmed by the local supervisor and accessible by Education Services for quality assurance and audit purposes.

4. Documentation

5. Definitions

All terminology used in this policy is consistent with definitions in the 91视频 Definitions of Terms.

6. Policy Contact Officer

Director, Education Services.

Contact 91视频 Student Services on (02) 6207 3188 or email infoline@cit.edu.au for further information.

7. Procedures
