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Procurement Policy

1. Purpose

The aim of this policy is to provide direction for Canberra Institute of Technology (91视频) employees engaging in the procurement of goods and services on behalf of 91视频.

2. Scope

This policy concerns all 91视频 staff engaging in the procurement of goods and services and delegates authorising expenditure.

NOTE - For Asset purchases refer to the 91视频 Asset Management Policy, for Credit Card purchases refer to the 91视频 Corporate Credit Card Policy and for Incidental reimbursements refer to the 91视频 Staff Incidentals Reimbursement Procedures (internal access only).

3. Principles

3.1 All 91视频 procurement activity is governed by the , the and associated Policies and factsheets.

3.2 All purchases must be made within the principles set out below and with the associated 91视频 Procurement Procedures.

3.3.All purchases with a whole of life value under $500,000 including GST, must be made using the endorsed centralised procurement system, VendorPanel.

3.4 91视频's Chief Executive Officer (CEO) has delegated the responsibility of approving the procurement of goods, services or works under the Financial Delegations.

3.5 The primary principle to be applied in 91视频 procurement is value for money.  In pursuing value for money a Purchasing Officer must:

  1. Ensure purchasing is undertaken with transparency and propriety in an environment of open and effective competition;
  2. Comply with a high standard of integrity, probity, professional conduct and ethical behaviour;
  3. Consider environmental and sustainability issues;
  4. Incorporate a risk management approach;
  5. Consider ethical supplier history (for appropriate works or services); and
  6. Optimise the whole of life costs.

3.6 All procurement activities involving capital works or construction work must be managed in consultation with Infrastructure and Commercial Advice division of Treasury and with consideration of the Capital Framework.

3.7 Where an 'estimated value', including GST, is determined and is under one of the stated thresholds by 10% or less, the basis for selecting that estimated value should be documented and placed on file for audit purposes before undertaking the procurement process.

3.8 Where Whole of Government contracts are in place use of these contracts is mandatory.

3.9 The following procurement and purchasing threshold principles apply (as per the Government Procurement Regulation 2007):

  1. Purchases less than $25,000 (including GST) – Officers must seek one written quotation from a Supplier.
  2. Purchases greater than or equal to $25,000 and less than $500,000 (including GST) – Officers must seek at least three written quotations.
  3. Purchases greater than or equal to $500,000 (including GST) – Officers must invite public tenders.

3.10 Only the CEO can approve an exemption from quotation and tender requirements (to enable a single select or select procurement process), and only if the benefit of exemption outweighs the benefit of complying with procurement policy. An exemption must state:

  1. The procurement process to which it applies;
  2. The reasons for giving the exemption; and
  3. Any direction to which it is subject (the number of quotes being sought and who will be invited).

3.11 The following control and risk management principles are to be adhered to:

  1. There must be a distinct segregation of duties in the requesting, evaluation, approval and payment stages of the process.
  2. Purchasing Officers are responsible for obtaining all required documentation from Suppliers and Financial Delegates.
  3. All purchases must have the prior approval of the appropriate Financial Delegate.
  4. Financial Delegates must ensure that the purchase is necessary and in the best interests of 91视频, having regard to the College/Division budgets.
  5. 91视频's purchasing processes must never be used for transactions of a private nature.
  6. Risk assessments and process audits of the purchasing process are to be conducted regularly.

Clarification note:

All dollar ($) amounts and/or all dollar ($) threshold amounts referred to in this policy are inclusive of GST unless specifically indicated otherwise.

4. Documentation

Authority Source

Related links

  1. 91视频 Asset Management Policy
  2. 91视频 Corporate Credit Card Policy
  3. 91视频 Staff Incidentals Reimbursement Procedures (internal access only)
  4. Procurement Policy Circulars

Supporting Guide

  1. 91视频 Procurement Procedures


  1. Financial Delegations Manual
  2. Financial Delegations Matrix

5. Definitions

All terminology used in this policy is consistent with definitions in the 91视频 Definitions of Terms.

6. Policy Contact Officer

Procurement and Contract Manager.

Contact 91视频 Student Services on (02) 6207 3188 or email infoline@cit.edu.au for further information.