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Study Assistance (91视频 Staff) Policy

1. Purpose

The purpose of Study Assistance is to encourage and enable staff to access programs of study as identified in their individual Setting My Direction plan. In doing so, Study Assistance increases competencies of staff to meet their current and future development needs, enhances workplace performance in line with 91视频’s strategic and business goals and promotes a learning culture amongst staff within 91视频.

2. Scope

Employees who are eligible to apply for Study Assistance in 91视频 include permanent officers and temporary employees with fixed term contracts of 12 months or longer.

Study Assistance does not apply to temporary employees with contracts less than 12 months (unless special consideration is given).

Casual employees, trainees, contractors, apprentices and employees on probation are not eligible for Study Assistance.

3. Principles

3.1 91视频 will establish, administer and review guidelines for employee study assistance consistent with Section 560 of the Public Sector Management Standards 2006 (repealed), including equity and diversity principles and review mechanisms.

3.2 Proposed study activities to be undertaken under study assistance must be identified and agreed to in an employee's Learning and Development Activity Plan that forms part of the Setting My Direction Plan.

3.3 Approval of Study Assistance is at the discretion of the relevant Delegate as per the HR Delegation schedule.

3.4 In making decisions about Study Assistance and the approval of study activities, supervisors and delegates will consider:

  • Applicant's length of service;
  • Resources of the College/Division;
  • 91视频 learning and development priorities and the direction of the organisation;
  • Broader 91视频 and ACT Government skill needs and priorities;
  • Relevance and cost of the course of study;
  • Applicant's current and future development needs as identified in their learning and development plan;
  • Access and equity;
  • Where the employee is a teacher, whether the employee is utilising their Individual Learning and Development Allocation to assist in covering the cost of the program;
  • Applicant's success in previously approved Study Assistance applications; and
  • Impact on the workplace, including implications for other team members.

4. Documentation

Study Assistance (91视频 Staff) Procedure

5. Definitions

All terminology used in this policy is consistent with definitions in the 91视频 Definitions of Terms.

6. Policy Contact Officer

Manager of People, Performance and Culture.

Contact 91视频 Student Services on (02) 6207 3188 or email infoline@cit.edu.au for further information.

7. Procedures

This policy is implemented through the associated procedures. Authority to make changes to the procedures rests with the policy owner.