Applications for Admission of Young People Under 17 Policy
1. Purpose
The Canberra Institute of Technology (91视频) Act 1987 (ACT) requires the 91视频 board to establish policies for admission to courses of study.
This is the 91视频 policy in relation to applications for admission to 91视频 by young people under 17 years of age.
This policy is to be read in conjunction with Admission and Enrolment Policy.
2. Scope
Where this policy refers to 91视频, it includes 91视频 Solutions.
This policy applies to:
- all training package qualifications, accredited courses and units of competency on 91视频's scope of registration.
- all courses approved by the ACT Board of Senior Secondary Studies for delivery by 91视频 including the year 12 program offering the ACT senior secondary certificate
- all young people under the age of 17 years seeking to apply for admission to 91视频 irrespective of the Australian state of territory of residence
- all staff involved in processes for the admission to 91视频 of young people aged 15 or 16 years.
The scope of the policy is impacted by legislative, regulatory and internal business process considerations and these determine who and how 91视频 admits students.
The legislation of the Australian Capital Territory apply.
This policy does not apply to:
- young people under 16 years of age seeking admission to designated short courses linked to regulatory requirements for employment and listed on the 91视频 website including but not limited to:
- general construction induction (white card training)
- responsible service of alcohol
- crystalline silica exposure prevention
- working safely with asbestos containing materials
- asbestos awareness
- road ready learner licence course (ACT)
- young people under 17 years of age:
- seeking admission to non-accredited adult and community education courses
- participating in courses/programs at 91视频 under current contracts or memoranda of understanding (MoUs) between the ACT Education Directorate or other education sector organisations and 91视频
- participating in courses/programs at 91视频 under current contracts or memoranda of understanding (MoUs) between the ACT Corrective Services and 91视频
- participating in courses/programs at 91视频 under current service agreements for specific non-accredited training between the ACT Government or other education sector organisations and 91视频
- applying for admission to an accredited course offered by 91视频 Yurauna
3. Principles
91视频 is a vocational education and training (VET) provider registered under the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011 and approved by the Board of Senior Secondary Studies (BSSS) to deliver the ACT senior secondary certificate.
91视频 supports the mandatory participation in schooling until completion of Year 10, and the continuation of full-time schooling to completion of year 12 or equivalent, or training, or employment until aged 17 in line with Education Act 2004 (ACT).
91视频 focuses on admitting individuals who are regarded as adults, wanting to:
- acquire knowledge, skills and competencies
- refresh or update their knowledge in a particular field
- enrich their knowledge with the purpose to complete a level of formal education
- improve their technical or professional qualifications
- further develop their abilities
Education and training at 91视频 is based on recognised principles of adult learning:
- self-motivated and self-directed (students take responsibility for their own learning)
- knowledge that is contextualised to their immediate needs
- using personal experience as a resource (drawing on past experiences).
91视频 recognises, as an adult education provider, it may not be the most appropriate education provider for young people under 17 years of age.
Eligibility criteria for admission to 91视频 of young people of compulsory school age will be applied consistently.
91视频 will ensure that educators and other staff understand mandatory reporting requirements under the Children and Young People Act 2008 (ACT) and where required, staff hold a current Working with Vulnerable People check (WWVP) and National Police Clearance.
All applicants for admission under 17 years of age will be informed of their obligations prior to admission.
Young people with an exemption certificate under the Education Act 2004 (ACT) from the ACT director-general for education, exempting them from school participation, will not be considered for admission to 91视频 unless all admission requirements under this policy and the associated procedure are met.
Applications by young people under 17 years cannot be made online. Applications will be made in person at a campus of 91视频 or using digital meeting software with video capabilities.
91视频 will undertake due diligence and complete an evidence-based risk assessment regarding all applications for admission to 91视频 by eligible young people aged 15 or 16 years. Refer 3.2 and 3.3 below.
Evidence collected by 91视频 to inform the risk assessment may include but is not limited to:
- foundation skills assessments aligned to the Australian Core Skills Framework (ASCF)
- evidence from
- 91视频 Careers Advisor
- previous school reports and other information from education institutions
- family members
- health professionals
- relevant agencies who have been involved with the applicant including justice or welfare agencies.
91视频 retains the right to refuse admission to 91视频 where the Admissions Panel recommends that the young person is not suitable for admission to the chosen course. The young person and the parent/guardian will agree to accept in writing the decision of the Admissions Panel.
3.1 Applications for admission of young people under 15 years of age
91视频 will not accept applications for admission of young people under 15 years of age.
3.2 Applications for admission of young people 15 years of age
91视频 will not accept applications for admission of young people 15 years of age unless:
- the young person is a signatory to a national training contact for an Australian Apprenticeship (apprenticeship, traineeship or Australian school-based apprenticeship) through a state or territory training authority, and
- the young person meets the age-related requirements detailed in the Admission Requirements Matrix 3.1 Applications for Admission of Young people Under 17 Procedure including:
- undertaking a 91视频 foundation skills assessment and achieving the ACSF language, literacy and numeracy level requirements for the course chosen for admission
- participating in consultation between the employer (Australian Apprentices), current secondary school (ASbAs) and 91视频 regarding the proposed training plan
- signing the ACT Education and Training Directorate code of conduct for Australian school based apprentices (ASbAs)
- signing a copy of the 91视频 Student Code of Conduct.
3.3 Applications for admission of young people 16 years of age
91视频 will not accept applications for admission by young people 16 years of age unless:
- the young person is a signatory to a national training contract for an Australian Apprenticeship (apprenticeship, traineeship or Australian school-based apprenticeship) through a state or territory training authority
OR - the young person is a full-time secondary school student with a plan approved by the young person's school that includes attendance at 91视频 to fulfil the approved plan (for example students undertaking VET courses as part of their ACT Senior Secondary Certificate, VET in Schools)
AND - The young person meets the age-related requirements detailed in the Admission Requirements Matrix 3.1 (refer Applications for Admission of Young people Under 17 Procedure) including:
- undertaking a 91视频 foundation skills assessment and achieving the ACSF language literacy numeracy and digital capability level requirements for the course chosen for admission
- participating in consultation between the employer (Australian Apprentices), current secondary school (ASbAs) and 91视频 regarding the proposed training plan.
- submitting evidence to the 91视频 Admissions Panel from third parties attesting of the young person's suitability for admission to 91视频
- having written evidence of a place hold (conditional enrolment)
Admissions Panel
An Admissions Panel will be convened by the relevant College Director to consider applications by persons 15 or 16 years of age who address the relevant admission requirements.
The Admissions Panel will include:
- the relevant Head of Department for the teaching area for the proposed course of study
- a representative 91视频 Student Support
- a representative 91视频 Foundation Skills
- a representative 91视频 Apprenticeships and Traineeships (for ASbA only)
- 91视频 Yurauna employee representative (First Nations applicants only)
The Admissions Panel has the discretion to decide whether the panel will meet with the young person applying for admission, their parent/guardian or support person.
The Admissions Panel may consult with the young person's school and the Education Directorate or the relevant authority in other states and territories.
The Admissions Panel will consider applications for admission by eligible young people 15 or 16 years and make recommendations to the relevant College Director:
- whether to allow the application for admission
- regarding any support required where the applicant is recommended for admission to a 91视频 course of study.
The College Director will consider the advice of the Admissions Panel and make recommendations to the Academic Registrar on whether or not to allow the young person to be admitted to 91视频.
After receiving advice from the College Director, the Academic Registrar will make the final decision on whether or not to allow a young person to be admitted to 91视频.
Addressing the Admission Requirements does not guarantee entry into a 91视频 course. Applicants may be invited to attend an interview with an Admissions Panel to ensure the suitability of courses and the adult learning environment for the individual.
3.4 Responsibilities
3.4.1 College Director
The College Director is responsible for:
- adherence to the Applications for Admission of Young people Under 17 Policy and Applications for Admission of Young people Under 17 Procedure
- convening Admissions Panels and appointing the chair
- receiving the recommendations of the Admissions Panel and deciding on the admission of the applicant
- reviewing the recommendations of the Admissions Panels
- communicating with the ACT Education Directorate
- seeking approval from the Academic Registrar to admit successful applicants
- collecting, interpreting and reporting data related to applications for admission by young people under 17 years.
3.4.2 Academic Registrar
The Academic Registrar is responsible for making the final decision on whether or not to admit a young person aged 15 or 16 years to 91视频.
3.4.3 Heads of Department
Heads of Department are responsible for:
- chairing Admissions Panels (refer: Applications for Admission of Young people Under 17 Procedure)
- consistently applying the admissions requirements in the Admission Requirements Matrix Applications for Admission of Young people Under 17 Procedure to applications for admission from young people aged 15 or 16 years
- undertaking risks assessments regarding the suitability for admission to 91视频 of a young person aged 15 or 16 years (refer: Admissions Panel Guidelines)
- consulting with the Senior Manager Australian Apprenticeships regarding application from persons aged 15 or 16 years with a Training Contract to complete an Australian Apprenticeship as part of a ASbA.
- making comprehensive records of the outcomes of all Admissions Panels
- reporting outcomes to the College Director.
3.4.4 91视频 Foundation Skills Team
91视频 Foundation Skills staff are responsible for:
- providing advice on 91视频 foundation skills assessments
- being available for admissions panels
3.4.5 91视频 Student Support Staff
91视频 Support staff are responsible for:
- managing the 91视频 under 17 alert forms and register
- providing careers advice to applicants for admission aged 15 and 16
- being available for admissions panels
3.4.6 College Support Staff
College Support Staff are responsible for:
- liaising with the Head of Department regarding communications to applicants for admission aged 15 or 16 years
- recording admissions information on the Customer Relations Management (CRM) system
- sighting documentary evidence to determine compliance with application requirements
- liaising with prospective students
- advising prospective students of the outcome of the admissions process.
3.4.7 Student Services Staff, 91视频 Apprenticeships and Traineeships Team and College Support Staff
Student Services staff, 91视频 Apprenticeships and Traineeships team and College Support Staff areas jointly are responsible for administering assessments of foundation skills.
4. Documentation
4.1 Related Legislation/Regulation
4.2 Related Policy and Procedures
- Applications for Admission of Young people Under 17 Procedure
- Admission and Enrolment Policy
- Admission and Enrolment Procedure
- Apprenticeships and Traineeships Policy
4.3 Related Documents
- Admissions Panel Guidelines
- 91视频 Under 17 Year Old Alert form
- Responsibilities in the Learning Environment
- Current Short Form Contact ACT Education Directorate and 91视频 for Vocational Learning Programs for ACT Public Schools
- Current Services Agreement ACT Government and 91视频 - Workforce Attraction Workshops
5. Definitions
All terminology used in this policy is consistent with definitions in the 91视频 Definitions of Terms.
Adult | Any reference in this policy to an adult means an individual who is at least 18 years old. (Legislation Act 2001 (ACT) |
Approval Statement | See Part 2.4 Education Act 2004 (ACT) and legislation relevant to other states and territories. |
Compulsory education age |
For the purposes of this policy 91视频 adopts the meaning of compulsory education age within the Education Act 2004 (ACT) whereby a young person is of compulsory education age if the person is at least 6 years old and under the age that the first of the following happens: (a) the child is 17 years old (b) the child completes year 12. |
Exemption Certificate | See Part 2.3 Education Act 2004 (ACT) and legislation relevant to other states and territories. |
Young person | For the purposes of this policy, a young person is defined as a person who is 12 years old or older, but not yet an adult. (Children and Young People Act 2008 Sect 12 (ACT). |
6. Policy Contact Officer
Executive Director, Education Futures and Students.
Contact 91视频 Student Services on (02) 6207 3188 or email for further information.
7. Procedures
This policy is implemented through the associated procedures. Authority to make changes to the procedures is with the policy owner.
Policy No: 91视频2024/885 Approved: August 2024 Next Review: August 2025 Category: Training Policies Policy Owner: Executive Director, Education Futures and Students |
Applications for Admission of Young People Under 17 Procedure (PDF File 332.2 KB) |
Browse Policies 91视频 Definition of Terms 91视频 Governance Framework (PDF 381Kb) Complaints Form Client Service Charter (PDF 845Kb) Student Code of Conduct (PDF 286Kb) |
11 Dec 2024: Registered Training Organisation (RTO) Compliance Policy 06 Dec 2024: Debt Management Policy 06 Dec 2024: Records Management Policy 11 Nov 2024: Students and Community Members Complaints Policy 18 Oct 2024: Workplace Health and Safety Arrangements Policy |